Friday, May 7, 2010


Lifting on Tuesday.

Running on Wednesday.

Lifting on Thursday.

Sprints tonight and then lawn mowing.

Longer run tomorrow.

Sunday is "go as I feel".

But, the diet is getting better and the workouts are more consistent. I've really been careful with grains, sugars, and legumes recently, although I've had a few potatoes.

Yesterday, I had just coffee for breakfast, a salad with some tuna for lunch, a protein shake in the afternoon, and the broiled haddock, creamed broccoli and a salad for dinner.

Today was eggs with herbs and ricotta for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and dinner will be chicken sausage with fresh artichokes.

I'm starting to feel the effects of eating limited carbs all week, which hopefully means that my body will get around to burning some fat. There is definitely some lethargy for a brief period of time when carbs are suddenly removed from the diet.

I know this technique doesn't work for everyone, but if I stay away from alcohol, and eat a "Primal" or "Paleo" diet while doing some running, some lifting, and some high intensity interval work, I lose fat. So, that's what I'm trying to do right now. Beer is the biggest risk I face these days.

This weekend, I'm going to cook a whole pork belly, the cut of meat normally turned into bacon. I'm going to braise it on Saturday and then press it overnight. Then Sunday, I'm going to cut it into cubes and broil it with scallops - a recipe out of Thomas Keller's amazing new cookbook "Ad Hoc At Home" Every recipe is within the grasp of a decent home cook and there are many things to make a carb-a-phobe happy.

Snow on Sunday morning? Say it ain't so. It might not matter much. I'll be working most of the weekend, except for when I'm working out or cooking or catching a hockey game.

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