After lifting yesterday morning, I had only about 45 minutes to run at night before a Select Board meeting. Because of my rest day on Monday, I felt pretty good as I warmed up on the treadmill. I decided to try some interval work, but started it with no fixed plan.
I decided to try some 90 seconds on/90 seconds off intervals for a while, increasing the speed until I hit the pace where I didn't feel like I could or should go any faster. I started with 2 repeats at 7.5mph (8mpm). They felt easy, as I would hope they would. Then, two at 8mph. Still easy. Two at 8.5 mph (about a 7mpm pace). Still not too bad. Then, two at 9mph. I didn't feel maxed out yet at 6:40 pace. Two at 9.5 mph and I finished with two at 10.0 mph - a 6:00 mpm pace.
I don't think I'd done any running under a 6:40 pace in a long time and I was surprised at how good I felt for those four faster repeats.
This morning, between the lifting yesterday, which included squats, and the interval work, I'm kind of sore. But, I got in an easy 5 miler this morning and it felt OK.
Today is the 20th consecutive day that I've been paying close attention to my calorie intake. It looks like I'm going to get down to 185 pounds by the end of the month. At that point, I'll probably change my diet a bit and hope to gradually drop 5 or so pounds over the next couple months.
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