Friday, March 26, 2010

Love/Hate Workout

Doing my 5x5 power-lift workout is really one of my favorites. I think. It's a really simple workout:

Squat: 5x5
Bench Press: 5x5
Deadlift: 5x5

Sometimes, I take a 3 minute rest between sets so I can lift a bit heavier and other times, I use a 2 minute break. So, excluding warm-ups, it's only a total of 75 reps. And, with a 2-minute break, I can be in and out of the gym in 40 minutes or less. But, it's also an intense workout. Doing only 5 reps per set, I can lift fairly heavy, at least by my standards.

So, I'm a bit sore today. I'm going to do an easy run after work, which will hopefully help with the soreness. And then, I will spend my last weekend teaching skiing for the season. Nine years of teaching have gone by incredibly fast.

But, starting next weekend, I can run on the weekends, which I haven't done since about Thanksgiving.

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