Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More of the same

Murph last Monday.  More CrossFit on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

I worked at home and took a rest day on Friday.  It was nice to see my daughter's lacrosse game that afternoon.

Saturday, I fished in a fly fishing tournament, finishing about mid-pack in a group of 55 or so fishermen.

Sunday, I ran, mowed the lawn, cooked a lot and fished a little.

It's a new week, so I'm back at CrossFit.

Tomorrow, my daughter's lacrosse team has their first game in the state playoffs.  They will be an underdog, but I'm planning to leave work early to go to the game.  Somehow, I need to find a way to squeeze in a workout tomorrow.

That's it.  I said in a post a few weeks ago that I wanted life to to by a bit more simply, with no big events.  For right now, that's what's happening and I couldn't be happier.

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