Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CrossFit Tuesday

Yesterday, with an ominous weather forecast, and some thunderstorms headed our way according to radar, I left work at 4:00 to do the 4:30 CrossFit class instead of my normal 5:45 class. It turned out that the 4:30 class was really crowded.

On my ride to the gym, I heard some thunder in the distance, but the storm didn't catch up to me. I heard later that there were some strong storms to the north and south, but we missed them completely.

As I looked at the workout last night, I wasn't thrilled. We were doing some movements that just aren't kind to my shoulder. It's not that I can't do them, but I still try to keep the weights low, and I am really paranoid about re-injuring the shoulder.

We started with our warm-up and then moved into snatch balances - 7 sets of 1 rep each, going as heavy as you can. I have some mobility issues on this lift, on overhead squats, and on squat snatches. So, I kept the weight fairly low and worked on form for the duration of the strength work.

After this, the main workout was as follows:

21-15-9, as quickly as possible:
Squat Snatch (65# for me)
Pull-ups (band-assisted)
Box Jumps (21" for me)

First of all, the squat snatch causes me problems as I mentioned above. All three of the lifts I mentioned above require you to hit the bottom of the overhead squat position. I'm working on it, but progress is slow.

The workout was not 21 snatches, 15 pull-ups, and 9 box jumps. It was 21 of each, then 15 of each, and then 9 of each. If we couldn't do squat snatches, we were supposed to do power snatches instead. In the first round, I did about 10 marginal squat snatches before dropping to power snatches as my shoulder fatigued.

In the second round, I did about six squat snatches and then went to power snatches. The last round was all power snatches.

My total time was 13:04. Because the lifting part hadn't been too heavy, I didn't feel as wiped after this workout as I often feel.

I rode my bike home, went out to run an errand, and then cooked dinner - a grilled porterhouse steak, curried mashed cauliflower, and my "landlady" (it's hard to call her that; she's more like a roommate and we cook dinner together all of the time) made a caprese salad.

My errand last night was to arrange a surprise for my wife for next Tuesday, when we'll celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. She knows we are going out for dinner, but not much else about that evening.

Tonight, I'll do CrossFit after work, and if I get to bed early enough, and get some good sleep, I'll be up at 4:30 to go again at 5:45 a.m. tomorrow. I'm busy after work tomorrow, so I have to go before work or not at all.

All in all, I do have to say that I'm fully recovered from the marathon and back to a full workout schedule. Of course, it's only 17 days until the 100 on 100 relay, so I'll be beating my legs up in that relay fairly soon. Our team met earlier this week to select legs for the relay and I'll be runner number 4. I've done this race 3 times in the past and I've never done leg 2, 4, or 6. So this year, I'll get #4 out of the way.

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