Our workout was pretty straightforward last night:
Chin-ups - 5, every minute on the minute for ten minutes.
Then, 5 rounds of the following, starting each round every four minutes:
30 push-ups (I did knee push-ups to protect my shoulder)
20 Box Jumps (18" for me)
10 Sumo Deadlift high pulls (65# for me - again, protecting the shoulder)
Your score for the 5 rounds was how many seconds of rest you earned. For example, I finished the first set in 2:30, so I got 90 seconds of rest. I ended up with 420 seconds of rest, probably the lowest number in the class. My biggest issue is box jumps. A requirement of a legal box jump is full extension either on the box or extending while jumping off the box. Many people simply cheat, and never do a full extension. This allows for pretty fast box jumps. The fastest legal people jump onto the box and then extend while jumping backward off the box. I'm very methodical and I extend on the box and then step down. I need to speed up this process.
Overall, it was a good workout with 13 minutes of hard work in 20 minutes. If my right shoulder was healthier, I would have done at least some of the push-ups as regular push-ups, but 150 might have been more than I could do even if 100%. I'm starting to feel some twinges in my left shoulder at times, probably compensating for my right. So, I need to be careful.
After the workout, I had another ART/Graston treatment done on the shoulder. He found another spot in the shoulder that needed work, the infraspinatus this time. So, he is now working on three different areas on my shoulder and neck. Immediately after the treatment, my range of motion was much better and pain-free. I'll have another treatment tomorrow.
I see the orthopedist again in early June, so I have time for a few more of these treatments before that. Hopefully, ultrasound will show some improvement and I will be able to defer any more injections for a while.
If the weather cooperates, I will ride my bike to CrossFit this evening. If we get the thunderstorms that are forecast, I might ride the bus back to my rented room and take it easy this evening, but I hope not.
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